Ръководната група на ЕП относно Брекзит призовава Обединеното кралство да преодолее безизходицата EP Brexit Steering Group discussed today the state of play of Brexit in light of last week’s meaningful vote and Prime Minister May’s Statement last Monday. It calls on the UK to clarify its position in the coming days. European Parliament’s Brexit Steering Group under the Chairmanship of its coordinator, Guy VERHOFSTADT (ALDE, BE), welcomed the Government’s decision to waive the fee for EU citizens applying for the UK’s settled status scheme, something the European Parliament has consistently pushed for. It called on the EU Member States to follow this example with respect to all UK citizens residing on their territory. The BSG stressed that following the rejection by the House of Commons of the Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration, the UK Government must work together with all political parties in the House of Commons to overcome this deadlock. It expects the UK side to come back as quickly as possible with a positive and viable proposal on the way...


От: 16:40 ч. на 24.01.2019 г.

В категория: Регионални

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Прочитания: 78





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